Many online role-playing games can no longer do without the small, but extremely strong warriors. And they all want to get a nice and above all suitable dwarf name. On this page we present numerous dwarf names and make your search easier. You can also use our dwarf name generator if you can’t find a suitable name for you in the name list.
Dwarf Name Generator
Dwarf names are familiar not only to fantasy fans, at least since the Lord of the Rings films. Together with the hobbit, Bilbo, Thorin, and his companions face the dangers around the Lonely Mountain and confront the dragon Smaug. Whoever wants to re-enact the story, whether in the forest, on paper, or on the computer, should know the dwarf names exactly. Besides the already mentioned Thorin, the brothers Oin and Gloin, Bombur, Bofur and Bifur, Fili and Kili, as well as Nori, Ori, Dori, Dwalin, and Balin were also included.
Male Dwarf Names
Male dwarf names should be chosen carefully. There is no possibility of changing the name in many online role-playing games afterward. Therefore, you should take some time to choose the right one. The appearance of your dwarf can help you. Is he perhaps powerful? Then you can select a male dwarf name that sounds especially tough. However, some dwarves seem relatively gentle, such as diamond cutters. Finding a suitable male dwarf name is not difficult at all.
If the male dwarf names in the list below are not enough for you, use our dwarf name generator and click on “Male”. After that, many new names will be generated for you.

- Algrim
- Alrik
- Artil
- Auralm
- Aurelosch
- Balbarosch
- Bardin
- Baschurr
- Belegar
- Belegol
- Borgin
- Borim
- Borzag
- Bradni
- Brodomurr
- Brogar
- Brond
- Brondi
- Burlok
- Cadmasch
- Cadrix
- Cranneg
- Dargo
- Dern
- Dimzad
- Dorin
- Drumin
- Durak
- Durgin
- Dwinbar
- Enlag
- Fadmaschosch
- Fadrim
- Fenni
- Ferrasch
- Ferrgat
- Fimbur
- Furgil
- Goddi
- Gomrund
- Gorim
- Gorm
- Gottri
- Grim
- Grimmil
- Grindol
- Grom
- Groth
- Grum
- Grundi
- Grung
- Guttri
- Haakon
- Halbarox
Female Dwarf Names
Not much is known about female dwarf names. However, one hears that their names are similar to those of men, but the -i is replaced by an -a, or if the male name does not end with an -i, the suffix -i is added.

- Andele
- Askima
- Asta
- Berta
- Boria
- Brondra
- Derna
- Dorame
- Doree
- Doresche
- Fenna
- Fentoscha
- Friga
- Gottra
- Grunna
- Harga
- Helgar
- Himela
- Hunni
- Jorlika
- Karelia
- Karga
- Katrin
- Kettra
- Lenka
- Magda
- Modra
- Mokrima
- Morga
- Kettra
- Lenka
- Magda
- Modra
- Mokrima
- Morga
- Paroscha
- Peritte
- Sifna
- Sigrid
- Sigrun
- Skorina
- Sunni
- Tarni
- Thindra
- Thona
- Trunni
- Ubarescha
- Ugrima
- Ulla
- Vala
- Vanyra
- Zylra
FAQ about Dwarf Names
How should you come up with a dwarf name?
The formation of the name of the dwarves always consists of three elements: First name, last name, and clan name. Sometimes, the name of his rank is still used. The first name among the dwarves, similar to the traditions of humans, is often given after a hero or ancestor or follows its clan guidelines. Other names indicate the hope of the parents, which they put into the child: Thus Gorm is equated with wisdom, Dwinbar with the craftsmanship, and Grim with fighting strength.
Do dwarves have last names?
Dwarven surnames arise in two ways: either they are the names of the ancestors, such as Grunisson or Ragnisdottir, that is, the son Grunis or the daughter Ragnis. In the case of parentless children, which is very rare, the next of kin will take over the upbringing and pass on their name to the child. For male dwarves, the name ends with -snev, like Yaddrisnev, or for female dwarves with -sniz, like Valasniz. If no close relative is present, it is still clear that the child is a dwarf, which is why it receives the scarce name Khazadson, which can be translated as “son of a dwarf,” Here, there is a female variant, Khazadsdottir. The one who raises the foundling then gives it a second surname ending in -sfind, as Moreksfind found by Morek.
What are the names of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs?
Doc – leader of the dwarf gang, wears small nickel glasses and is very good-natured
Grumpy – usually in a bad mood, always has something to complain about
Sleepy – is always tired and sleeps most of the time
Sneezy – chunky, red nose, always has a cold and is a rather timid, shy dwarf
Bashful – white beard, long eyelashes, extremely shy dwarf, often blushes and is secretly in love with Snow White
Happy – happy dwarf, fat, with white beard and always a grin on his face
Dopey – the youngest dwarf, can’t speak, is extremely clumsy, has no hair and wears too big clothes
Appearance of Dwarves
Dwarves are small in stature and are about the size of a two to four-year-old child. Male dwarves usually have puffy white beards and an old wrinkled face. Their head is somewhat oversized in proportion to their body. It is not uncommon for their nose to be round, red, and knobby. Their eyes are relatively small and sometimes of an unhealthy reddish hue.
Dwarves don’t pay much attention to their figure, so they usually have round fat bellies. It may well be that their feet have only four toes, and therefore they tend to adopt a waddling or tripping gait. They are mostly dressed in a colorful pointed cap or a pretty little hat. Practical workman’s clothing is mandatory, although they emphasize an intelligent vest. Sturdy shoes and at least a basic set of tools are also required.
Way of life of the dwarves
On the whole, Dwarves are good-natured creatures who rarely mean people any harm. They are excellent craftsmen and often produce impressive artwork. Because they live in underground areas, they are very knowledgeable about mineral resources; mainly, minerals are their specialty. They live primarily in earth caves, caverns, and inside mountains.
Special features of the dwarves
Dwarves can make themselves invisible and have one or the other magic trick. Often they are the guardians of precious and rare treasures.
Description Dwarves
“Dwarf” is the general name for the ″little people″. Depending on the country or region, they are also known by the name: Brownies, gnomes, goblins, earth people, and many more. They partly have slight differences like in appearance or their lifestyle. But in general, one can say the following about them:
Dwarves usually live in groups and are led by an ″old man″ or a ″dwarf king″. They maintain family traditions and often exhibit exceptional craftsmanship. Their blacksmithing skills are particularly noteworthy in this regard. Swords made by dwarves often hold very secret magic that gives the wearer special powers. It is not uncommon for dwarves to carry stealths with them at all times, which they can use to make themselves invisible in an emergency.
Many dwarves love the company of humans and often help them at night – when no one notices – with manual dexterity. Often stories were reported that overnight in a bakery, all the baker’s work was already done in the morning as if by itself. Or that a tailor found his sewing orders already finished in the morning in the tailor’s shop. Thereby a skill and quality of the highest quality could be seen, which brought the tailor a lot of money and new customers.
Sometimes, however, dwarves are not opposed to mischief. So they like to make things disappear in people’s houses or move everything to another place. They also want to lend people exceptional items, such as thread that never runs out, dishes for big parties that clean themselves, or spices that turn every meal, no matter how simple, into a feast. But if they do not get these things back, they can also get furious about it and impose a special punishment on the person who does not keep the agreement.
Dwarves are xenophobic, and anything that is not a dwarf can never be as good as a dwarf—end of the story.
Dwarves are dwarves…
…and not little people. Even if you are more likely to have a few beers with a dwarf in the tavern than the average elf, dwarves are still not little people. If you imagine the typical representatives of a fantasy world on a scale, at one end are the elves, at the other the dwarves. In the middle, the humans, so to speak, as the mediocrity between the extremes. This difference can be described best: Elves are, Dwarves do.
Also, unlike humans, dwarves handle the given word (much more bindingly) – concepts such as sense of honor, obligation, and shame are treated more extensively.
Dwarves are a combative
Many different dwarven races have had to fight numerous enemies over the centuries, resulting in a fundamentally warlike orientation for most races. The art of combat is taught to many from childhood; almost every dwarf can fight, if not more thoroughly trained. Even a young dwarf who is “only” a cook should at least be armed.
Dwarves are an ancient people
Especially the ancestors, the traditions of the clans, and the passing on of knowledge and skills are of existential importance for dwarves. Ask a dwarf about his father, and he will tell you about his great-great-great-grandfather, how he alone held the gate against 100 black furs during the orc wars. The beginning of dwarven culture usually goes back to the beginning of the interconnected worlds. Often they were created parallel to the elves, mythologically speaking. Something that was once made that way will always be made that way. It takes a lot to shake dwarven tradition or make a dwarf depart from the usual methods of his people.