Egyptian Name Generator
This tool can help you generate cool and unique Egyptian names! Whether you’re looking for an ancient or modern name, this generator has you covered. Just choose between “male” or “female” and you’ll get a list of names to choose from. So go ahead and give it a try!
Who doesn’t love learning about ancient cultures? The Egyptians are one of the most fascinating cultures of all time, and their names are just as interesting as their history. Whether you’re looking for a name for a new character in a story or game, or you’re just curious about what kind of names the ancient Egyptians had, this list is for you.
Egyptian names are rich with history, meaning, and tradition. And while some might think that all Egyptian names are traditional and ancient, there are actually plenty of modern and cool Egyptian names to choose from. If you’re looking for something unique, you can’t go wrong with an Egyptian name.
So without further ado, here are some of the most interesting Egyptian names and what they mean.
Female Egyptian Names
When it comes to naming their baby girls, Egyptian parents seek out names with beautiful meanings. Many popular female names in Egypt are from Arabic origins, such as Aya, which means “miracle,” or Leila, which translates to “night.” Other popular choices include Ines, meaning “pure,” and Farah, which signifies “happiness.”
No matter what name parents choose for their daughter, it is sure to be a beautiful one.

- Ratta
- Akila
- Nebit
- Ta-khat
- Naham-s-rata
- Ta-bu-bu
- Auset
- Tan-te-bast
- Ra-nefer-u
- Pen-ures-nes
- Teti-hor-noub
- Hent-ateh
- Naunet
- Amentakehal
- Nishem
- Sabo-en-ea
- Nem
- Tairin
- Mouth-en-ap
- Nefertari
- Nen-sala
- Taia
- Sa-mouth
- Set-kherta
- Subira
- Anucis
- Ta-khot
- Hat-mit-ra
- Ebony
- Bakurnro
If you’re not satisfied with the female Egyptian names we’ve listed here, don’t worry – our egyptian name generator will help you find the perfect name for your baby girl.
Male Egyptian Names
Egyptian names for boys usually have meaning attached to them. Most of these names are of Arabic or Persian origin. Parents usually named their children based on the situation, month, or day they were born in. For example, Ahmed (ع) means “one who constantly praises God”, while Muhammad (مُحَمَد) means “the most praise-worthy”.

- Hamadi
- Mer-sen-aki
- Pet-hiset
- Amenhersemif
- Set-auan
- Asb
- Khons-iri-tes
- Amennaanka
- Aakheperka
- Phrahiunamif
- Ra-en-ka
- Onnos
- Altakhsas
- Bakheperuneb
- Mont-em-ha
- Pekhrari
- Necherophes
- Kasiya
- Kha
- Hem-nef-hor-bek
- Atekhramun
- Khonsu
- Ao
- Chafkem
- Fent-hemp-amenti
- Atefaamen
- Men-na
- Apronadius
- Un-amen
- Tabari
If you’re not satisfied with the male Egyptian names we’ve listed, don’t worry! You can always use our egyptian name generator to find the perfect name for you.
Egyptian Names
The ancient Egyptians had a rich culture and this is reflected in their names. Egyptian names were often given to children in honor of gods and goddesses, or to reflect the hope of a certain aspect of the child’s life. For example, the name “Amen” means “hidden power” and was often given to boys in the hopes that they would grow up to be strong and powerful. The name “Isis” means “throne” and was often given to girls in the hopes that they would grow up to be great leaders.
There were also many different naming conventions for different social classes. For example, upper class Egyptians often had names that were works of art, while lower class Egyptians had more simple names. This is because upper class Egyptians could afford to have their names be more complex, while lower class Egyptians could not.
No matter what the convention was, Egyptian names were always beautiful and reflected the rich culture of the ancient Egyptians.

- Nub-em-het
- Ra-en-ka
- Abayomi
- Onnos
- Imhotep
- Oni
- Ahmes
- Nofre-kheper-u
- Ra-to-neb
- Badru
- Iousaas
- Janais
- Taia
- Stau
- Hant
- Tuaa
- Ankhnas Ranofrehet
- Sabah
- Tosertosis
- Nofre-t-ari
- Ukani
- Nail
- Muntu-hik-hopsef
- Bentreshpu
- Tent-amen
- Ka-en-nets
- Hasani
- Ta-si-ten-hiset
- Hosit-em-thoth
- Arsinoe
If you’re looking for a way to generate more Egyptian names with just one button click, then you’ve come to the right place! Our generator is easy to use and can generate names for both males and females.
To get started, simply click the “Generate” button. Doing so will provide you with a list of names to choose from. That’s all there is to it! We hope you enjoy using our generator and find it helpful in your quest for the perfect Egyptian name.
Ancient Egyptian Names
When it comes to ancient Egyptian names, there is a lot to choose from! Whether you are looking for a name for your new baby or you are just curious about what ancient Egyptian names might have been used back in the day, there is a lot to explore.
One of the most popular ancient Egyptian names was Pharaoh. This name was used for the rulers of ancient Egypt and it is still used today for modern-day kings and queens. Other popular ancient Egyptian names include Cleopatra, Tutankhamun, and Ramses.
If you are looking for something a bit more unique, there are also many ancient Egyptian names that are not as well-known. These names can be quite beautiful and evocative, and they can also give you a glimpse into the culture and history of ancient Egypt. Some examples of less well-known ancient Egyptian names include Isis, Nephthys, and Maat.
Whether you are looking for a regal name for your baby or you are just curious about the past, ancient Egyptian names are definitely worth exploring!

- Lisimba
- Hesi
- Ser-hat
- Ta-si-ten-hiset
- Mentu-ra
- Ra-neb-nito
- Psamtic
- Mun-khet-isi
- Kabhsenuf
- Nubiti
- Stau
- Anhurse
- Nile
- Benemba
- Hurbasa
- Ahit
- Sepuntepet
- Sabo-en-ea
- Pet-osiris
- Psi-naches
- Anzety
- Salama
- Sharifa
- Rehema
- Har-an-tat-ef
- Nofre-ra
- Khen-ta
- Maa-antef-ef
- Sekhet-hotep-et
- Labaris
If you’re interested in generating more ancient Egyptian names, our egyptian name generator is just what you need! With just a click, you can generate many more names that sound like they came straight out of Ancient Egypt. So why not give it a try?
Nubian Names
Nubian names are beautiful, exotic sounding names that come from the Nubian region of Sudan. They are perfect for baby girls or young women who want a unique and beautiful name. Some popular Nubian names include: Alia, Fatima, Noor, Samar, and Zara.

- Cabar
- Mi-en-pthah
- Ra-baka
- Chaires
- Pef-aa-khons
- Si-nen-uer
- Tena
- Teti
- Saf-hotep-heta
- Ta-khot
- Neema
- Apepi
- Nes-em-ab
- Qelhatat
- Heh-hor-rei
- Hem-su-isi
- Pis-aroer
- Hapi-ankh
- Ataruamterhemutranu
- Hat-hor
- Aniu
- Meskhenet
- Sabola
- Amentemha
- Pa-ra-nefer
- Hagiel
- Bithiah
- Serk
- Ei-amen-nef-neb-oui
- Ra-s-hotep-ab-senb
If you don’t like the names we’ve listed here, try our egyptian name generator. With over 500 names to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect name for your baby.
Cool Egyptian Names
When it comes to naming their children, many parents in Egypt choose to use traditional Arabic names. However, there are also a number of modern, cool names that are becoming increasingly popular in the country.
If you’re looking for a cool, Egyptian name for your child, here are some great options to consider:

- Kontar
- Hek
- Manetho
- Apap
- Naunet
- Nekht-har-en-shen
- Muntu-hotep
- Ta-bat
- Asim
- Nub
- Onouris
- Issa
- Fai-hon
- Spot
- Tent-amen
- Barukatatau
- Ise-kheb-au
- Har-si-amen
- Mukamutara
- Tutankhamen
- Babu
- Memphis
- Merhu
- Nub-na
- Sent
- Har-te-ma
- Men
- Khufu
- Har-saf
Need more cool Egyptian names? Then our name generator is the perfect tool for you! With just a click, you can generate a whole list of names that would be perfect for your next story or project. So why not give it a try?
Old Egyptian Names
There is something special and timeless about old Egyptian names. They have a history and a meaning that can be traced back thousands of years. For many of us, they are the names of our ancestors and a link to our past.
Today, there are many people who are interested in naming their children using old Egyptian names. This is a trend that is growing in popularity, as more and more parents want to give their children a name that has a rich history and meaning.
If you are considering naming your child an old Egyptian name, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you research the meaning of the name you are considering. There are many resources available that can help you with this.
Second, keep in mind that old Egyptian names can be difficult to pronounce for people who are not familiar with them. If you are choosing a name for your child that you think might be difficult to pronounce, consider finding a way to simplify it.
Finally, remember that old Egyptian names are unique and special. By choosing one for your child, you are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime.

- Ishtar-mu-kam-ish
- Nekhbet
- Aches
- Ra-to
- Omorose
- Khaa
- Necho
- Unas
- Pekhi
- Isi-tef-naschti
- Pekhrari
- Besa
- Hafsah
- Uer-naro
- Bentreshpu
- Pent-uau
- Zet-auf-ankh
- Isis
- Ta-kha
- Anuktata
- Kambuzia
- Pse-nuter
- Senbeb
- Sipthah
- Tiumautef
- Mut
- Mehhur
- Ta-apenha
- Kasch-ta
- Mun-khet-isi
You’re interested in exploring more ancient Egyptian names? Our egyptian name generator is the perfect tool for you. With just a click, you can generate additional names that were popular in Egyptian culture. Whether you’re looking for a name for a new character in a story or games, or you’re simply curious about what other names were used in this fascinating culture, our generator can help you uncover more possibilities. Give it a try today and see what new names you can discover!
Egyptian Female Warrior Names
Some ancient Egyptian female warrior names include Amarna, Meritaten, and Nefertari. These women were known for their beauty, strength, and courage. They were often braver and more ferocious than their male counterparts. Egyptian female warriors were a force to be reckoned with!

- Hatasu
- Asenath
- Sekhmakh
- Masika
- Khunsu
- Amuntikhet
- Sitiribeu
- Lotus
- Suvan
- Ra-to
- Nofre-aten-tunen-et
- Tes-amen
- Hent-anu
- Hon-t
- Serq
- Ta-naro
- Tamun
- Ra-ma-uer-nefru
- Tat-maut-a-s-ankh
- Keket
- Nofreaten-taserat
- Thermuthis
- Ta-khot
- Surhet-het-u
- Fukayna
- Naeemah
- Hotephetes
- Nofre-t-ari
- Nen-sala
- Mer-tetes
You can use our egyptian name generator to generate more egyptian female warrior names by clicking only one button. With this tool, you can create as many names as you want, and you can be sure that they will be authentic and unique.
Egyptian Warrior Names
Ancient Egyptian warriors were some of the most feared and respected soldiers of their time. They were known for their skill in close combat and their ability to take down even the most daunting opponents. Egyptian warriors were often named after their greatest accomplishments or the weapons they used in battle. Here are some of the most popular ancient Egyptian warrior names:

- Amen
- Ken-amen
- Se-isi
- Pah-uer-nefer
- Amenuahsu
- Shu
- Ra-khepera
- Piea
- Mautse
- Hu
- Chaires
- Amenhikhopsef
- Donkor
- Azizi
- Meriui
- Ra-en-ka
- Aouaa
- Ra-men-tau-neb
- Se-pthah
- Chafkem
- Khshairsha
- Atefnebma
- Tebu
- Hept-skhes
- Sen
- Tisu-em-ab
- Mi-amen
- Huni
- Madu
- Ra-amen-mei-nito
Looking for an authentic Egyptian name for your next roleplaying character? Look no further than our egyptian name generator. With just a click, you’ll be able to generate additional Egyptian Warrior names to suit your needs.
Ancient Egyptian Surnames
Surnames were not used in ancient Egypt, although single names were common. The use of personal names demonstrates the individual’s unique identity and personality. The majority of ancient Egyptian names were formed by adding one of the following elements to the parent’s name: The use of single names became more common during the Middle Kingdom when fewer people were identified by their father’s name.
It was also during this period that professional titles began to be attached to names, such as “Scribe” or “provisioner”. By the New Kingdom, most Egyptians had a single name, which they used throughout their life.
There were a limited number of names from which parents could choose. Certain names were thought to confer power or protection. For example, the names of gods and goddesses, such as Isis, were popular. Other names had positive connotations, such as “Amun,” which means “hidden.”Some names were chosen to reflect the child’s fate or character.
For example, the name “Senehem” means “one who is close to death.” Other names were simply descriptive, such as “Wenet,” which means “good.”The use of surnames is a relatively recent phenomenon. In ancient Egypt, people were identified by their father’s name, by their profession, or by their personal name.
The use of surnames began in the Middle Kingdom and became more common in the New Kingdom.The use of surnames was originally restricted to the royal family and the aristocracy. However, by the Late Period, the use of surnames had become more widespread.
The vast majority of ancient Egyptian surnames were formed by adding one of the following elements to the parent’s name:-son of (“son of Amun”)-daughter of (“daughter of Isis”)-child of (“child of Nephthys”)-born of (“born of Mut”)-beloved of (“beloved of Ptah”)There were a limited number of names from which parents could choose.
Certain names were thought to confer power or protection. For example, the names of gods and goddesses, such as Isis, were popular. Other names had positive connotations, such as “Amun,” which means “hidden.”
Some names were chosen to reflect the child’s fate or character. For example, the name “Senehem” means “one who is close to death.” Other names were simply descriptive, such as “Wenet,” which means “good.”
Since the ancient Egyptians did not have surnames, we have created a small list of modern Egyptian surnames for you:

- Mohsen
- Abbas
- Habib
- Hamed
- Badawi
- Adel
- Abaza
- El Shamy
- Ismail
- Magdy
- Zakaria
- Youssef
- Ahmad
- Abdelkader
- El Sherif
- Khalil
- Mustaf
- Ibrahim
- Mohammed
- Zaki
- Osman
- Nabil
- Sultan
- Khamis
- Hussein
- Sadek
- Darwish
- Badr
- Amin
- Sallom
- Al-Ameen
- Issa
- Botros
- Zaghloul
- Shafiq
- Waheed
- Hassan
- Ayad
- Mansour
- Gamal
- Fakhri
- Salem
- Saad
- Bakir
- Mabrouk
- Fadel
- Hatem
- Hafez
- Kamel
- Nader
- Omar
- Ally
- Osama
- Fouda
- Kader
- Dawood
- Maher
- Nasr
- Mormon
- Essa
- Abdo
- Ramadan
- Abdallah
- Moussa
- Hakim
- Fouad
Mulhorandi Names
Mulhorandi names have a long and storied history. They are some of the oldest and most respected names in all of Faerûn. Mulhorandi names are steeped in tradition and often given to children in an attempt to honor their ancestors. Mulhorandi names are also thought to bring luck and good fortune to those who bear them.

- Adaar: Meaning “first born” in Mulhorandi, Adaar is a popular name for Mulan infants.
- Ahskal: A name meaning “protector” in Mulhorandi, Ahskal is often given to Mulan children in hopes that they will grow up to be strong and protect their loved ones.
- Arkhos: A name with unknown meaning, Arkhos is nonetheless a common Mulhorandi name.
- Balam: A name meaning “strong one” in Mulhorandi, Balam is often given to Mulan children who are born during particularly difficult times.
- Chandra: A name meaning “moon” in Mulhorandi, Chandra is often given to Mulan children born under the sign of Selune.
- Dari: A name meaning “gift” in Mulhorandi, Dari is often given to Mulan children who are seen as special gifts from the gods.
- Farhat: A name meaning “joy” in Mulhorandi, Farhat is often given to Mulan children who are born during times of great happiness.
- Gabe: A name meaning “God is my strength” in Mulhorandi, Gabe is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Hazim: A name meaning “determined” in Mulhorandi, Hazim is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Javan: A name meaning “eager” in Mulhorandi, Javan is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Kaleb: A name meaning “trustworthy” in Mulhorandi, Kaleb is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Kamal: A name meaning “perfect” in Mulhorandi, Kamal is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Malik: A name meaning “king” in Mulhorandi, Malik is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Nassim: A name meaning “victorious” in Mulhorandi, Nassim is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Qadir: A name meaning “capable” in Mulhorandi, Qadir is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Rafiq: A name meaning “friend” in Mulhorandi, Rafiq is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Rashid: A name meaning “righteous” in Mulhorandi, Rashid is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Saeed: A name meaning “happy” in Mulhorandi, Saeed is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Zahir: A name meaning “brilliant” in Mulhorandi, Zahir is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
- Zaki: A name meaning “pure” in Mulhorandi, Zaki is often given to Mulan children who are born into difficult situations.
Coptic Egyptian Names
Coptic Egyptian names are a joy to behold! They are beautiful, unique, and have a rich history behind them. Coptic Egyptian names are also a great way to show off your child’s heritage. If you are looking for a Coptic Egyptian name for your child, you can’t go wrong with any of these choices!

- Môusês
- Wasile
- Tawadros, Thāodoros
- Khristophoros
- Gerges
- Hanri
- Youssef
- Christophoros
- Khael
- Mina
- Ilyas
- Chael
- Mikhael
- Evanderos
- Boutros
- Sarabion
- Pamin
- Yared
- Yeshak
- Mikail
- Jerjer
- Isaac, Isac
- Ğabriyal
- Tadros
- Lot
- Antonious
- Ashraf
- Andras, Andris
- Abraam, Abraham, Awraham
- Lukianous
- Zaia
- Iosef, Ioseb
- Matta
- Aron
- Roufos, Roubos
- Myronous
- Aleksanaros
- Girgis
- Androus
- Lukious
- Virina
- Elisabet
- Mariam
- Anastasia
- Sofia
- Eva
- Hanna
- Potamina
- Ỉrỉs
- Diana
- Elpis
- Paisi
- Marina
- Herebekka, Herewekka
- Maysoon
- Marta
- Sappeira
- Talida
- Lea
- Roufina
- Hrakhel
- Khroustina
- Kattrin
- Anna
- Leksandria
- Samia
- Sara
- Loukia
- Piama
- Demiana
- Piamun
- Eirênê
FAQ about Egyptian
People have lots of questions about ancient Egypt! We’ve answered some of the most common ones below.
What role did Religion play in Ancient Egyptian society?
Religion played a significant role in ancient Egyptian society. It was an integral part of everyday life and was evident in all aspects of society, from architecture and art to politics and trade. Gods and goddesses were revered and worshipped, and temples were built in their honor.
Priests and priestesses played an important role in religious ceremonies and rituals, and everyone, regardless of social status, was expected to participate in religious life.
Religion was central to the Egyptians’ understanding of the world and their place in it. It helped them make sense of the chaos and unpredictability of life and death, and provided them with a set of moral and ethical principles to live by.
It also gave them a sense of community and belonging, and helped to bind the different classes of society together. Religion was thus an essential part of ancient Egyptian society and played a pivotal role in its development and stability.
What was the role of the Pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian society?
The role of the Pharaoh in ancient Egyptian society was that of a political and religious leader. The Pharaoh was the head of the government and the leader of the Egyptian people. He was responsible for the safety and wellbeing of his people and for the prosperity of Egypt.
The Pharaoh was also the highest ranking priest in the land and was responsible for the religious ceremonies and rituals that were conducted in the temples.
Who was Queen Cleopatra?
Queen Cleopatra was a renowned Egyptian Queen who lived during the 1st century BC. She was known for her beauty as well as her intellect, and ruled over Egypt for over 20 years. She was also a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was a Greek royal family that ruled over Egypt for centuries. Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt before it was annexed by the Roman Empire.
What was Ancient Egyptian cuisine like?
Cuisine in ancient Egypt was a great deal more varied than one might expect. The Nile River provided a bountiful supply of fish, which was a staple in the diet of many Egyptians. Farm animals such as cows, pigs, and ducks were also widely consumed, as well as game animals such as antelope, gazelle, and quail. Bread and beer were dietary staples, and honey was used both as a sweetener and as an ingredient in many dishes.
What impact did the Ancient Egyptians have on the modern world?
The ancient Egyptians have had a profound and lasting impact on the modern world through their contributions to art, literature, science, and architecture. The unique artistic style of ancient Egypt, with its signature use of hieroglyphics and striking imagery, has left a lasting impression on the world of art.
Many modern artists have been inspired by the work of the ancient Egyptians, and their art can be seen in museums and galleries all over the world. The literature of ancient Egypt is another significant legacy that has survived for thousands of years.
The ancient Egyptians were responsible for creating some of the world’s first literary works, including works of poetry, drama, and prose. These works have been translated into many modern languages and continue to be read and studied by people all over the world.
The scientific achievements of the ancient Egyptians are also impressive. They were experts in astronomy and mathematics, and they made important discoveries in the fields of medicine and irrigation. The ancient Egyptians were also responsible for building some of the world’s first cities and monuments, which are still standing today.
The impact of the ancient Egyptians on the modern world is truly remarkable. Through their contributions to art, literature, science, and architecture, they have left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and fascinate people all over the world.