Roman Town Name Generator
We have all the tools you need to generate realistic and authentic Roman town names. Whether you’re looking for a name for your role-playing game character or simply want to add some flavor to your writing, our Roman city name generator will do the trick.
To use our Roman town name generator, simply scroll down and select the number of syllables you want in your town name. Then click the “Generate” button. That’s it! You’ll instantly get a list of realistic and authentic Roman town names.
If you’re not satisfied with the results, simply click the “Generate” button again. Keep doing this until you find the perfect Roman town name for your needs.
So what are you waiting for? Start generatingRoman town names today!
We have a huge database of Roman city names and Roman town names, so you’re sure to find the perfect name for your needs.
Whether you’re looking for a name for your new city or town, or you’re looking for a name for your role-playing game character, we’ve got you covered. Our Roman city name generator and Roman town name generator are designed to help you find the perfect name for your needs.
So what are you waiting for? Start browsing our database of Roman city names and Roman town names today!
Roman City Names
Among the many interesting features of Roman cities is their names. Most of these names were given by the Romans themselves, though a few were bestowed by later conquerors or rulers. The vast majority of Roman city names were in Latin, though a few were in Greek, and a handful in Etruscan or other languages.
Some city names were simply the name of the founder or the ruling family, such as Pompeii, named for its founder, Lucius Cornelius Pompeius. Others were named for the patron deity of the city, such as Juno for the city of Rome. Sometimes, the name reflected the general character of the city, such as Industria for a city known for its industry.
Many Roman city names have become familiar to us through their use in modern English. For example, the Italian city of Ravenna was originally called Classis, meaning “fleet,” because it was an important naval base. The French city of Lyon was originally Lugdunum, meaning “hill fort.” The Spanish city of Valencia was originally Valentia, meaning “strength” or “valor.”
Despite the fact that most Roman city names are no longer in use, they remain an important part of our understanding of the Roman world. These names allow us to catch a glimpse of the Roman sense of place and identity. They remind us that, despite the many changes that have taken place in the intervening centuries, the Roman world is still very much with us today.

- Isca
- Caesarea
- Cyrene
- Neropolis
- Geneva
- Lucus Augusti
- Aesis
- Augusta Trajana
- Ratiara
- Rhaedestus
- Durocortorum Remorum
- Bonna
- Derthona
- Budalia
- Caralis
- Durocornovium
- Vicus Elbii
- Vienna
- Abritus
- Olmedum
- Aelia Capitolina
- Tusculum
- Istropolis
- Danum
- Taparura
- Lugio
- Bellunum
- Metis
- Dyrrachium
- Thermae Himerenses
Roman Town Names
There are many Roman towns that have survived to the present day. Some of them have kept their original name, while others have changed it over the centuries. But what do these names mean? And how did the Romans choose them?
Firstly, it is worth noting that the naming of towns was not always a strictly Roman affair. In some cases, existing settlements were simply appropriated by the Roman state and given a new name. This was often done as part of the process of conquest, as a way of assertive Rome’s claim to the area. However, even in these cases, the Romans would usually try to maintain some connection to the original name, often by retaining the first part of it.
More often, though, towns were purpose-built by the Romans, from scratch. In these cases, the name given to the town would be carefully chosen to reflect its status and purpose. For example, a town might be named after a deity or a key geographical feature in the area. It might also be named after a significant event that had taken place there, or after a famous person associated with the town.
Whatever the origin of its name, each Roman town had its own unique identity. And even today, nearly two thousand years later, these names still convey something of the character of the towns they represent.

- Mamucium
- Hispellum
- Iberia
- Condate Redonum
- Legio
- Dunum
- Ambracia
- Augusta Treverorum
- Dimale
- Ariminium
- Arrabona
- Velia
- Lactodorum
- Faventia
- Centum Cellae
- Cilurnum
- Colonia Julia Carthago
- Pistorium
- Corvinium
- Vicentia
- Portus Magnus
- Colonia Nemausa
- Aeminium
- Valentia Edetanorum
- Patavium
- Aballava
- Eburacum
- Bedriacum
- Samarobriva
- Samarobriva Ambianorum
Ancient Roman City Names
One of the most interesting things about ancient Roman city names is that many of them have survived to the present day. For example, the city of Rome is still known by its ancient name, while other cities such as Venice and Florence have retained their original name as well. This is a testament to the lasting legacy of the Roman Empire and its impact on the world.
Interestingly, some ancient Roman city names have been completely lost over time. This is usually due to the fact that the city was sacked or abandoned at some point in its history. For example, the city of Pompeii was wiped out by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD and its name was forgotten for centuries. However, it was rediscovered in the 18th century and its ancient name was restored.
There are also some cases where the name of an ancient city has been changed due to political or religious reasons. For instance, the city of Istanbul/Constantinople”>Constantinople was renamed Istanbul in 1930 after the founding of the Republic of Turkey.
In short, there is a great deal of history behind ancient Roman city names. Many of these names have been passed down through the ages and have become synonymous with their respective cities. They offer a glimpse into the past and remind us of the lasting impact of the Roman Empire.

- Rome: the capital of Italy, known for its ancient history and culture.
- Pompeii: a city in southern Italy that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD.
- Herculaneum: a city in southern Italy that was also destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
- Ostia Antica: an archaeological site near Rome that was once a major port city.
- Paestum: an archaeological site in southern Italy that was once a major Greek city.
- Aquileia: an archaeological site in northeastern Italy that was once a major Roman city.
- Ravenna: a city in northeastern Italy that was once the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
- Bologna: a city in northern Italy that is known for its university and cuisine.
- Florence: a city in central Italy that is known for its art and architecture.
- Siena: a city in central Italy that is known for its medieval architecture.
- Pisa: a city in western Italy that is known for its leaning tower.
- Padua: a city in northeastern Italy that is known for its university.
- Verona: a city in northern Italy that is known for its Roman ruins and Shakespearean association.
- Milan: a city in northern Italy that is known for its fashion and design.
- Turin: a city in northwestern Italy that is known for its car industry and cuisine.
- Naples: a city in southern Italy that is known for its pizza and vibrant nightlife.
- Fiesole: a town in central Italy that is known for its Etruscan ruins.
- Lecce: a city in southern Italy that is known for its Baroque architecture.
Frequently Asked Questions about Roman City
Check out our list of the most popular questions about Roman cities and their answers!
What was the first Roman city?
The first Roman city was founded in 753 BC by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus. It was originally called Rome after Romulus, the legendary founder of the city. According to legend, Romulus had killed his brother in a fit of jealous rage and then went on to name the city after himself. The city grew to be a major center of power in the ancient world and was home to some of the most impressive architecture and engineering feats of the time.
What was the role of the Roman city in the Roman Empire?
The Roman city served as the administrative center of the Roman Empire. The city was responsible for the administration of justice, the maintenance of public order, and the regulation of trade. The city also served as a center of culture and learning.
What were the main features of the Roman city?
The Roman city was characterized by its urban planning, its architecture and its engineering. The city was planned in a grid pattern, with streets running north-south and east-west. The main features of Roman architecture were the arch and the vault. Roman engineers were able to build roads, bridges and aqueducts that are still in use today.
What were some of the most famous Roman cities?
Rome was the largest and most influential of all the cities in the ancient world. Founded by the legendary Romulus in 753 BC, Rome rose to become a powerful empire that ruled over much of Europe, Africa, and Asia for centuries. Other famous ancient Roman cities include Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ostia, and Corinth.
What are the remains of Roman cities like today?
Roman cities were built to last, and many of them are still standing today. From the grandiose Colosseum in Rome to the ruined city of Pompeii, there are plenty of reminders of the Roman Empire scattered across Europe and North Africa. While some Roman cities have been completely rebuilt, others have been left in their original state, giving visitors a unique glimpse into the past.